And St. Jerome:
"Symmachus interprets the Hebrew word instead of virgultum (a plant) ramus (a branch) in order to show the Humanity assumed by the Divine Word which came forth from the Virgin's womb, whereof He says: 'As a root out of thirsty ground.' Aquila instead of sitiens (thirsty) reads invia (pathless), without way, untrodden, to denote the privilege of Mary's virginity."
"And the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a Bush: and he saw that the Bush was on fire and was not burned'' (exodus iii 2)
"Dost thou not, in the Burning Bush, recognise Mary ?" asks St. Theodotus of Ancyra.
St. Proclus calls Mary :
"The animated Bush of nature, which the fire of the Divine Childbirth did not consume."
And St. Ephrem writes:
"In the fire Moses saw thy beauty in shadow, O daughter of David, in whose bosom dwelt tho Flame, and thou wert not consumed, O Mother of God who art full of grace."